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BlueSpice 2.27.1

BlueSpice 2.27.1 is a maintenance release. Consult the Release Notes for the full list of changes. The 2.27.1 was published on Thursday, 6th April 2017. Download the release from Sourceforge.

Notable new features

The popular Toolbox for wiki-specific functions receives a new spot within the wiki. This makes its use significantly more friendly for the user.

Interwiki links: multilingual systems are supported further by newly-positioned interwiki links: flags will now appear next to each other as elements in the top bar or in a drop-down menu, according to the number of languages

ExtendedFileList: This feature makes managing files you have uploaded to your wiki even easier. A new display provides many new options for searching, filtering and sorting your files. So you can quickly find what you are looking for.

CategoryManager: Categories can now easily be managed via a new user interface.

PageTemplates: This function now supports the use of PageForms (previously Semantic Forms), simplifying the creation of new pages in the wiki based on forms. In this way, semantic forms can already be used when creating a new page.

Review: The extension Review now saves expired and concluded workflows in the history of a page, which is called the Review Log. The approval process is saved accordingly in the history so that the whole approval process can be retraced at any time.

BS-2271 Review-Log-400x100.png

Teamwork: There are new SemanticMediaWiki Properties for this feature so that its metadata can be used in semantic queries. Such a query can, for example, display all articles with status “draft” which were last edited by a particular user. In this way, new, practical queries are possible, particularly in quality management.

Datei:BSP 2271 Review Properties.png

Automatic approval: Working together with Review and Teamwork, the wiki has been improved with an automatic approval feature. This means that a page is automatically approved when an appraisal process is successful. This approval step is thus no longer necessary.

Our developer friends will be particularly pleased about this: our Application Programming Interface (API) has received improved schema documentation. This professionalisation of the documentation for the API will simplify the connection of BlueSpice with other systems significantly.

