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Release History

List of BlueSpice releases since the first published version in 2010.

Name Version Date of issue Files Notable changes
BlueSpice 2 2.27.0 2016-11-09

Release Notes

PageAssignments, Showtime, Namespace-specific notifications, Disable users, ReadConfirmation, Adding pages directly to books, Reduced Admin rights, Usage statistics,
Many functional improvements of the WikiFarm Package
Full compatibility with MW 1.27
2.23.3 2016-05-31

Release Notes

Minor and maintenance release
2.23.2 2015-11-30

Release Notes

Improved integration of Semantic MediaWiki and BlueSpice, compatibility with MediaWiki's VisualEditor
2.23.1 2015-06-25 Description,
Release Notes
Minor and maintenance release
2.23.0 2014-12-09 Description, Release Notes Integrated package installer for MediaWiki and BlueSpice, support of MobileFrontend, rewritten skin, support of memcached caching, translations in more than 40 languages, reworked localisation, context menues
2.22.2 2014-05-08

Release Notes

Patch and maintenance release
2.22.1 2014-02-13 Description, Release Notes Bugfixing release
2.22.0 2013-11-27 Description,
Release Notes
Completely reworked skin, reworked PermissionManager and UserManager, new internationalisation framework, FlexiSkin, Dashboards, Notifications extension, StateBar (with "similar pages")
BlueSpice 1 1.21.0 2013-06-12

Description, Changelog

Minor update
1.20.1 2013-01-17


Patch update
1.20.0 2012-12-21


Minor update
1.1.1 2012-04-05 Release Notes

Bugfix release

1.1 2012-03-15 Release Notes

Performance improvements, support for PostgreSQL and Oracle databases

1.0.1 2011-09-07 Release Notes Patch release
basic 2010-11-17

