
Version vom 22. November 2021, 10:46 Uhr von Mlink-rodrigue (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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 * Guided Tour to test guided tour features.
// Copy the next line into the start of your tour.
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {

	// Declare a variable for use later
	var pageName = 'Help:Guided tours/guider',

	tour = new gt.TourBuilder( {
		 * This is the name of the tour.  It must be lowercase, without any hyphen (-) or
		 * period (.) characters.
		 * The page where you save an on-wiki tour must be named
		 * MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-{name}.js , in this example MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-mytest.js
		name: 'gui'
	} );

	// Information defining each tour step

	// This tour shows a central overlay at the start of the tour.
	// Guiders appear in the center if another position is not specified.
	// To specify the first step of the tour, use .firstStep instead of .step
	tour.firstStep( {
		name: 'overlay',
		// Note that for on-wiki tours, we use title and description with the actual text.
		// The title appears in the title bar of the guider.
		title: 'BlueSpice 4 in 4 Minuten',

		// The description appears in the body
		description: '<br><div class="stepimg"><span class="fas fa-rocket"></span></div><div class="steptext">eine Kurzeinführung der Benutzeroberfläche.</div>',
		// This specifies that there is an overlay behind the guider.
		      onShow: gt.parseDescription,
		      overlay: true
	} )
	// This specifies the next step of the tour, and will automatically generate a next button.
	// 'callout' refers to the name used in the step immediately below.  Although putting the steps
	// in a meaningful order is recommended, any step can be specified as next/back.
	.next( 'sidebarmain' );

	tour.step( {
		 * Callout of left menu
		name: 'sidebarmain',
		title: 'Hauptseitenleiste',
		description: 'Links zu wichtigen Einstiegsseiten in Ihrem Wiki.',

                // description
		attachTo: '#bs-sitenavtabs',

                // description
		position: 'right',
	    overlay: true,
	} )
	.next( 'bookshelf' )
	// description of back functionality
	.back( 'overlay' );

	tour.step( {
		 * Callout of left menu
		name: 'bookshelf',
		title: 'Bücherregal',
		description: 'Hier geht es zum Bücherregal.',

                // description
		attachTo: '#bs-nav-section-bs-bookshelfui-link',

                // description
		position: 'right',
		overlay: true,
	} )

	.back( 'callout' );

// The following should be the last line of your tour.
} ( window, document, jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour ) );